How to Protect Business Assets

How to Protect Business Assets

If you own a business, you should know how to protect your assets. While many companies take these precautions, a recent BizBuySell poll shows that optimism has returned to the small business community. Market volatility and failed policy goals have created a climate of uncertainty that affects the value of a business. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to protect your business. Read on to find out how. Also, take action to protect your own data.

First and foremost, your business’s computers should be protected from phishing. Make sure employees know how to protect sensitive data. Install firewalls and antivirus software, and keep information encrypted. Use multifactor authentication (MFA) to prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to your business’s systems. Update all software regularly to patch security holes and prevent data breaches. And last but not least, use password-protected devices. If you use Wi-Fi, make sure your access points don’t broadcast their Service Set Identifier (SSID).

You should also make sure your employees use multifactor authentication. MFA requires additional information, such as a password, to gain access. Additionally, you should enact policies that require people to change default passwords. Default passwords pose a huge risk, especially when connected to IoT devices. Card payment systems represent a virtual gateway to cybercrime. For this reason, you should work with your card processors and banks to meet any additional security obligations. Other good practices include isolating payment systems from less secure programs, using different computers for processing payments, and avoiding using the same computer for both.

In the event of a vandal, consider replacing doors and windows with impact-resistant glass. These measures can reduce vandalism and increase your business’s safety. Additionally, you should re-key your locks to prevent duplicate keys. Having all of these measures in place is a crucial piece of protection for any business, but it should not be taken lightly. It is never too late to protect your business. So, keep reading to learn more about these strategies.

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Sydney Chadwick

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